Dual-Axis Feed Mixer

Dual-Axis Feed Mixer
Dual-Axis Feed Mixer
Dual-Axis Feed Mixer
Dual-Axis Feed Mixer
Dual-Axis Feed Mixer
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DEGAO is a Chinese animal feed batch mixer supplier. We deliver powerful mixing equipment to poultry feed manufacturers.

Features of Dual-Axis Feed Mixer
1. Dual-axis feed mixer is widely used to mix animal feeds, prepare pre-mixtures, or handle feed concentrates in chemical engineering, food, and pharmaceutical industries.
2. Fast rotor speed greatly reduces the mixing cycle to 60 to 120s. Large-opening discharge gate at the bottom ensures materials are dumped completely with minimum residuals.
3. Gentle mixing action eliminates segregation in materials and ensures a low volume concentration of less than 5%.
4. Flexible door-opening mechanism, coupled with tight door seals, guarantees minimal material leakage.
5. During mixing, some liquid nutrients may be added to the mixture which requires the use of a liquid addition system alongside with stainless steel spray nozzle.
6. Upon request a blower system can be mounted inside the batch mixer chamber to clear up the residual mixture by using compressed air.
7. Choices of construction materials include carbon steel and stainless steel.

Technical Specifications
Model No. Effective Volume (m3)Weight per Batch (kg)Cycle time per Batch (s)Volume Concentration (CV≤%)Power
SHSJ0.20.210045-120s (Cycle time can be extended accordingto the variety of materials.)52.2
SHSJ 221000518.5
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