Pellet Stabilizer

Pellet Stabilizer
Pellet Stabilizer
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Production Rate: 1-10T/H

The pellet stabilizer is mainly used within the pelleting step of an aquafeed manufacturing process. Using hot steam for heating, the pellet stabilizer allows your fish feeds and shrimp feeds to have an improved water stability of 2 to 5 hours. The pellet's water stability refers to the time it takes for the pellet to completely fall apart in water.

Outboard thermal insulation jacket, made of cotton, ensures minimized heat loss. Safety valves guarantee heating safety. Stabilized materials are discharged gently from the chamber. Corners of the framework as well as discharge hopper are rounded off to trap no materials and eliminate arching problems in hopper.

Technical Specs of Pellet Stabilizer
Model No. Capacity (T/H) Power
SWDB2 1-3 0.55 1.5
SWDB4 3-5 0.55 1.5
SWDB6 5-7 0.55 1.5
SWDB8 7-10 0.55 1.5
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