Chrome Free Lignosulfonate

Chrome Free Lignosulfonate
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Chrome free lignosulfonate is a drilling mud thinner to control the viscosity of drilling fluids, and it also offers good fluid loss control performance. This product is non-toxic, and exhibits good resistance to high temperature as well as electrolyte. Additionally, our drilling fluid additive fits for various kinds of mud, and can work together with other additives.

Major Property
Item Specification
Insoluble material in water (%) ≤2.5
Moisture (%) ≤8.5
PH (2% water solution) 2.8~3.8
Appearance Brown powder
Mud Performance
Item Fresh water mud system Sea water mud system
Performance at normal temperature Apparent viscosity (mPa∙s) ≤20 ≤25
Rate of reducing viscosity (%) ≥85 ≥65
Performance at high temperature Apparent viscosity (mPa∙s) ≤35 ≤45
Rate of reducing viscosity (%) ≥60 ≥45

This water-based mud conditioner is often added into drilling fluids in the form of powder or solution, and the system PH is within 10.0-10.5. Moreover, the dosage rate is 1%(w/v) and 2%(w/v) for fresh water-based and salt water-based mud, respectively.

Safety and Handling
For safety considerations, personal protective equipment is highly recommended and actually it is a must. Before work, please refer to the precautions illustrated in the MSDS.

Packaging and Storage
Chrome free lignosulfonate is packed in PE bags, and these PE bags are packed in 25kg paper-plastic composite bags.

The container should be closed, and then placed at a dry, well-ventilated area that is away from heat, sparks, flames and incompatible materials. For palletizing, banding, shrink-wrapping and stacking operations, please follow safe warehousing practices.

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