3A Molecular Sieve

3A Molecular Sieve
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3A molecular sieves are a potassium type A aluminosilicate crystal, meaning they can adsorb molecules with a critical diameter of less than 3 Å, and a molecular formula of K12[(AlO2)12(SiO2) 12 XH2O.

  • This 3A molecular sieve can be used for drying unsaturated hydrocarbon materials, such as ethylrnr, propene, 1, 3-butadiene and cracked gas, effectively preventing hydrocarbon from co-adsorption.
  • It can be used for the drying of some polar liquids, such as methanol, ethanol, and organic hydroxyl compounds.
  • 3A molecular sieves are also applicable for refrigerant drying.
  • It is an ideal desiccant used for N2-H2 mixed gas in the synthetic ammonia industry.
  • It can be used for the drying of food-grade CO2.

This 3A molecular sieve features a high adsorption rate, high regeneration capacity, crushing strength and anti-pollution capacity, all of which increase the molecular sieve utilization efficiency and extend the molecular sieve's service life. Because of that, it is a necessary desiccant for gas liquid phase deep drying, refining and polymerization in petrochemical industries.

3A-EPG type
Shape striped trifoliate
Specification 1/16" 1/8" 1/8" 1/4"
Diameter (mm) 1.5-1.8 3.0-3.4 2.4-2.5 5.2-5.3
Bulk density(g/mL) ≥0.65 ≥0.66 ≥0.64 ≥0.60
Crushing strength(N) ≥30 ≥75 ≥55 ≥120
CO2 adsorption capacity (wt, %) ≤1.1 ≤1.0 ≤1.0 ≤1.0
H2O adsorption capacity (wt, %) ≥20 ≥20 ≥20 ≥20
Package water content (wt, %) ≤1.5 ≤1.5 ≤1.5 ≤1.5
Adsorbable molecule Molecule whose effective diameter < 3 angstroms, such as water, ammonia.
Discharged molecule Molecule whose effective diameter >3 angstroms, such as ethane, CO2, methanol and so on.

3A-PPG type
Shape spherical striped
Specification 8X12 mesh 4X8 mesh 1/16" 1/8"
Diameter (mm) 1.7-2.4 3-5 1.5-1.8 3.0-3.4
Bulk density(g/mL) ≥0.66 ≥0.65 ≥0.65 ≥0.65
Crushing strength(N) ≥30 ≥75 ≥32 ≥80
CO2 adsorption capacity (wt, %) ≤1.1 ≤1.0 ≤1.3 ≤1.3
H2O adsorption capacity (wt, %) ≥21 ≥21 ≥19 ≥19
Package water content (wt, %) ≤1.5 ≤1.5 ≤1.5 ≤1.5
Adsorbable molecule Molecule whose effective diameter < 3 angstroms, such as water, ammonia.
Discharged molecule Molecule whose effective diameter >3 angstroms, such as ethane, CO2, methanol and so on.

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