High Calcium Organic Seaweed Fertilizer

High Calcium Organic Seaweed Fertilizer
High Calcium Organic Seaweed Fertilizer
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This product is a type of black granules with 10% seaweed extract and 8% natural bio-calcium powder. High calcium organic seaweed fertilizer is widely used as base fertilizer and additional fertilizer for flowers, vegetables, fruits and field crops to supply organic matter and calcium for plant growth.

Effective Ingredients:
  • Seaweed Extract: 10%
  • Organic Matter: 40%
  • Biogenic Calcium Oxide: 8%
  • Soil Conditioning
    Enrich the organic matter in soil, absorb the heavy metals, promote the formation of soil aggregate, as well as improve soil fertility and moisture-holding capacity.
  • Prevent diseases and promote root growth
    This fertilizer contains a rich seaweed extract, which will promote the root growth and improve crop resistance to negative factors during growth
  • Supply Calcium
    This fertilizer contains a marine biological calcium powder, which prevents physiological calcium deficiencies and improves crop quality.
  • As the base fertilizer: used for the root of crop with a dosage of 600-900kg/ha;
  • As the additional fertilizer: used for the root of crop with a dosage of 300-450kg/ha
Packaging Specification:


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