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Control of rice blast (pyricularia oryzae) in transplanted and direct-seeded rice. Can be applied as a flat drench, rransplant root soak, or foliar application. One or two applicationa by one or more of these methods give a season-long control of the disease.

CAS Registry Number 41814-78-2
Formulation 95% TC, 20% 75% WP, 75% WDG
Packing 25kg fibre drum, 100g bag, 500g bag, 1kg bag, 5kg bag, 25kg bag or customized
Tricyclazole 22% + Hexaconazole 3% SC

Tricyclazole + Hexaconazole is Control of rice blast (Pyricularia oryzae) in transplanted and direct-seeded rice. Can be applied as a flat drench, transplant root soak, or foliar application. One or two applications by one or more of these methods give a season-long control of the disease.

Tricyclazole + Hexaconazole Control of many fungi, particularly Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes, e.g. Podosphaera leucotricha and Venturia inaequalis on apples, Guignardia bidwellii and Uncinula necator on vines, Hemileia vastatrix on coffee, and Cercospora spp. on peanuts, at 15-250 g/ha. Also used on bananas, cucurbits, peppers and other crops.


Customized (500mL-200L)

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