3000W Sheet Metal Laser Cutting Machine Purchased by Indonesian Client

3000W Sheet Metal Laser Cutting Machine Purchased by Indonesian Client
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3000W Sheet Metal Laser Cutting Machine Purchased by Indonesian Client
  • Project time: Dec. 2017
  • Customer country: Indonesia
  • Purchased product: 3000W Sheet Metal Laser Cutting Machine
Project description:

Glorystar Laser met this client at the Indonesia Exhibition in July 2017. After the exhibition, we were invited to the customer’s factory. They are one of the largest metal plate processing plants in Indonesia and they manufacture a wide assortment of products from mostly 5mm stainless steel sheets.

After analyzing customer demands and their future development trajectory, we recommended the 3000W sheet metal laser cutting Machine. Later, a Glorystar Laser franchise in Indonesia invited the client to visit their exhibition hall. After the visit and try out, the client spoke highly of our laser cutter and confirmed the order a week later.

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