G8 Alloy Steel Shackles

G8 Alloy Steel Shackles
G8 Alloy Steel Shackles
G8 Alloy Steel Shackles
G8 Alloy Steel Shackles
G8 Alloy Steel Shackles
G8 Alloy Steel Shackles
G8 Alloy Steel Shackles
G8 Alloy Steel Shackles
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● All the shackles and bolts are forged by special alloy steel with high intensity and high toughness, and then they are heat treated;
● We should carry out strict sampling and breakage testing for each batch of products;
● We should carry out 100% magnetic powder flaw detection;
● The applicable temperature range: -40℃-200℃.
● It can not be used beyond the working load limit.

Parameters (Unit: mm)
Item Code Weight/lbs Working Load Limit/t Breaking Load/t A±1.5 C±1.5 D±1 L±3 N L1+3 B
SLR-756-5/16 0.22 1.2 6 13.5 21.3 8 53 9.5 50.5 8.4
SLR-756-3/8 0.33 1.6 8 16.8 25.9 9.7 63.2 11 62 10.8
SLR-756-7/16 0.49 2.5 12.5 19 29.5 11.2 74 13 70 12.8
SLR-756-1/2 1.01 33.3 16.5 20.6 33.3 12.7 83.3 16 79.5 14.8
SLR-756-5/8 1.60 5 25 27 42.9 17.5 106.4 19 101.5 18
SLR-756-3/4 2.42 7 35 32 20.8 20.6 126.2 22 117.5 19.4
SLR-756-7/8 3.95 9.5 47.5 36.6 57.9 24.6 148 25 136 21.5
SLR-756-1 5.66 12.5 62.5 43 68.3 27 166.6 28 153.5 23.8
SLR-756-1-1/8 8.27 15 75 46 74 31.75 190 32 171.5 25.6
SLR-756-1-1/4 11.71 18 90 51.6 82.5 35 210 35 192 31
SLR-756-1-3/8 15.83 21 105 57 92 36 232.7 38 202 33.4
SLR-756-1-1/2 20.8 30 150 60.5 98 41 254 42 222 34
SLR-756-1-3/4 33.91 40 200 73.2 126 57.2 313.7 51 278 38
SLR-756-2 52.25 55 275 82.5 146 61 347.5 57 307 45
Parameters (Unit: mm)
Item Code Weight/lbs Working Load Limit/t Breaking Load/t A±1.5 D±1 N L±3 L1+3 B
SLR-757-5/16 0.23 1.2 6 13.5 8 9.5 48.5 50.5 8.4
SLR-757-3/8 0.33 1.6 8 16.8 9.7 11 58.4 62 10.8
SLR-757-7/16 0.49 2.5 12.5 19 11.2 13 67.6 70 12.8
SLR-757-1/2 0.75 3.3 16.5 20.6 12.7 16 77 79.5 14.8
SLR-757-5/8 1.47 5 25 27 17.5 19 97.3 101.5 18
SLR-757-3/4 2.52 7 35 32 20.6 22 116.6 117.5 19.4
SLR-757-7/8 3.85 9.5 47.5 36.6 24.6 25 135.4 136 21.5
SLR-757-1 5.55 12.5 62.5 43 27 28 152.4 153.5 23.8
SLR-757-1-1/8 7.60 15 75 46 31.8 32 172.4 171.5 25.6
SLR-757-1-1/4 10.81 18 90 51.6 35 35 190.5 192 31
SLR-757-1-3/8 13.75 21 105 57 35 38 206.8 202 33.4
SLR-757-1-1/2 18.5 30 150 60.5 41 42 230.1 222 34
SLR-757-1-3/4 31.4 40 200 73.2 53.8 51 279 278 38
SLR-757-2 46.75 55 275 82.5 61 57 324.6 307 45

Normal mark: G8 5/8 WLL5T CE SLR +BATCH NUMBER

Parameters (Unit: mm)
Item Code Weight/lbs Working Load Limit/t Breaking Load/t A±1.5 C±1.5 D±1 N L±3
SLR-758-5/16 0.19 1.2 6 13.5 21.3 8 9.5 53
SLR-758-3/8 0.31 1.6 8 16.8 25.9 9.7 11 63.2
SLR-758-7/16 0.38 2.5 12.5 19 29.5 11.2 13 74
SLR-758-1/2 0.73 3.3 16.5 20.6 33.3 12.7 16 83.3
SLR-758-5/8 1.37 5 25 27 42.9 17.5 19 106.4
SLR-758-3/4 2.36 7 35 32 20.8 20.6 22 126.2
SLR-758-7/8 3.62 9.5 47.5 36.6 57.9 24.6 25 148
SLR-758-1 5.03 12.5 62.5 43 68.3 27 28 166.6
SLR-758-1-1/8 7.41 15 75 46 74 31.75 32 190
SLR-758-1-1/4 9.50 18 90 51.6 82.5 35 35 210
SLR-758-1-3/8 13.53 21 105 57 92 36 38 232.7
SLR-758-1-1/2 17.20 30 150 60.5 98 41 42 254
SLR-758-1-3/4 27.78 40 200 73.2 126 57.2 51 313.7
SLR-758-2 45.00 55 275 82.5 146 61 57 347.5
Parameters (Unit: mm)
Item Code Weight/lbs Working Load Limit/t Breaking Load/t A±1.5 D±1 L±3 N
SLR-759-5/16 0.17 1.2 6 13.5 8 48.5 9.5
SLR-759-3/8 0.28 1.6 8 16.8 9.7 58.4 11
SLR-759-7/16 0.43 2.5 12.5 19 11.2 67.6 13
SLR-759-1/2 0.59 3.3 16.5 20.6 12.7 77 16
SLR-759-5/8 1.25 5 25 27 17.5 97.3 19
SLR-759-3/4 2.63 7 35 32 20.6 116.6 22
SLR-759-7/8 3.16 9.5 47.5 36.6 24.6 135.4 25
SLR-759-1 4.75 12.5 62.5 43 27 152.4 28
SLR-759-1-1/8 6.75 15 75 46 31.8 172.4 32
SLR-759-1-1/4 9.06 18 90 51.6 35 190.5 35
SLR-759-1-3/8 11.63 21 105 57 35 206.8 38
SLR-759-1-1/2 15.95 30 150 60.5 41 230.1 42
SLR-759-1-3/4 26.75 40 200 73.2 53.8 279 51
SLR-759-2 42.31 55 275 82.5 61 324.6 57
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