Power Distributor Box (5 Cover Panels)

Power Distributor Box (5 Cover Panels)
Power Distributor Box (5 Cover Panels)
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    1. Model
    2. CD-02
    1. Standard
      1. Size:
        (L) 1270 mm* (D) 100 mm* (H) 100mm
      2. Materials:
        1.0mm thick high-quality steel, epoxy powder coating; 10 steel cover panels
      3. Color Finish: White
      4. Not included electrical outlets
    1. Description
      1. This is ideal for use as a cable tray and assembly of electrical outlets.
      2. The cover panels are easy to remove.
      3. Mounted on the workbench
      4. You can connect several boxes together
    1. Optional
      1. Length: 520 mm~1500 mm
      2. Material: 1.2mm thick high-quality steel/stainless steel
      3. Customized colors
      4. The number and type of outlets is customizable
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