Flower Freeze Drying

Flower Freeze Drying
Flower Freeze Drying
Flower Freeze Drying
Flower Freeze Drying
Flower Freeze Drying
Flower Freeze Drying
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We provide 0.5 to 200m2 flower freeze drying machines used to protect flowers for transportation in order to prolong their freshness. This equipment is often used on roses, golden camellia, golden sundflowers, osmanthus, chrysanthemums, etc.

  • Rose petals
  • Rose
  • Bud
  • Cordyceps Flower
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Golden camellia
The flower frozen by our food freeze drying machine have following advantages
  • Shape is maintained
  • Color is retained
  • Nutritional aspects are unchanged
  • Freshness is prolonged
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