Plastic Film Recycling Grinder

Plastic Film Recycling Grinder
Plastic Film Recycling Grinder
Plastic Film Recycling Grinder
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  • Usage
    The plastic film recycling grinder is used to recycle offcut PE film, which matches the stretch film extrusion machine for edge trimmed film recycling.
  • Structure brief introduction
    The structure of the film recycling grinder includes the driving mechanism, feeding mechanism, pressing mechanism, transfer mechanism and shearing mechanism.
  • Function Principle
    Side material of the film is conveyed from the hopper into the pressing equipment, then to the cutting component, then finally, cut into sliced pieces.
  • Technical parameters
    Line speed: 0-80m/min
    Size: 750mm×750mm×1250mm
    Weight: 220Kg
    power: 2.2Kw
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