Horizontal Centrifugal Pump, KTZ Type Cooling Tower Pump

Horizontal Centrifugal Pump, KTZ Type Cooling Tower Pump
Horizontal Centrifugal Pump, KTZ Type Cooling Tower Pump
Horizontal Centrifugal Pump, KTZ Type Cooling Tower Pump
General introduction

The KTZ cooling tower pump is a single-stage single-suction centrifugal pump used to transfer clean water or liquids similar to clear water. It can be used in conjunction with an HVAC system, or used in a central air conditioning cooling system, waterworks supply, and other applications. The noise level is lower than that of an ordinary Y-type motor.

Working conditions

Medium temperature: less than 80℃
Ambient temperature: less than 40℃
Working pressure is divided into two levels: 1.0MPa and 1.6MPa (Please specify when ordering to ensure reliable use)

Structure drawings

1. Pump cover
2. Water slinger
3. Mechanical seal
4. Motor with a lengthened shaft
5. Impeller nut

6. Seal ring
7. Impeller
8. Pump casing
9. Base

Structure description
  • Direct-connect structure facilitates installation, maintenance and repair: During repair, the pump body, inlet, and outlet pipes do not need to move. Just move the motor, and impeller and other parts can be removed for repair.
  • To balance the axial force of the pump, a balance hole structure is utilized.
  • A wear-resistant mechanical seal is utilized to ensure a stable, reliable operation and long service life.
  • Precise casting impeller, high strength shaft and matching imported bearing.
  • To guarantee the pump high quality, the impeller material is divided into a wear resistant cast iron and a cast copper. Customers can choose which one they would like based on their specific usage conditions.
Model Explanation

① Code for impeller cutting outer diameter
② Impeller diameter (mm)
③ Pump inlet diameter (mm)
④ Pump outlet diameter (mm)
⑤ Single-stage single-suction direct-connect centrifugal pump

Model Capacity Head Rotation Speed Power (KW) Efficiency Net Positive Suction Head Outlet taper pipe diameter
(m3/h) (l/s) (m) (r/min) Break Power Motor Power (%) NPSH (r) (m) (mm)
KTZ100-65-210 35 55 66 9.72 15.3 18.3 15.3 14 13 1450 2.31 2.87 3.2 4 63 73 73.5 1.9 2.0 2.3 65-100
KTZ100-65-250 30 50 60 8.33 13.9 16.7 21.3 20 19 1450 3.16 4 4.44 5.5 55 68 70 2.0 2.0 2.5 65-100
KTZ100-65-315 30 50 60 8.33 13.9 16.7 34 32 30 1450 5.44 6.92 7.67 11 51 63 64 2.0 2.0 2.5 65-100
KTZ100-65-320 40 65 78 11.1 18.1 21.7 7.46 9.56 10.62 1450 37 34 31 15 54 63 62 1.9 2.0 2.5 65-100
KTZ100-65-320A 37 62 74.5 10.3 17.2 20.7 6.73 8.54 9.47 1450 33.4 30.9 28 11 50 61 60 2.5 2.5 3.0 65-100
KTZ125-100-200 60 100 120 16.7 27.8 33.3 14.5 12.5 11 1450 3.84 4.48 4.79 7.5 26 76 75 2.5 2.5 3.0 100-125
KTZ125-100-200A 56 93.5 112 15.6 26 31.1 12.8 11 9.7 1450 3.17 3.7 396 5.5 62 76 75 2.5 2.5 3.0 100-125
KTZ125-100-250 60 100 120 16.7 27.8 33.3 21.5 20 18.5 1450 5.59 7.17 7.84 11 62 76 77 2.5 2.5 3.0 100-125
KTZ125-100-250A 56 93.5 112 15.6 26 31.1 18.8 17.5 16.2 1450 4.56 5.87 6.41 7.5 63 76 77 2.5 2.5 3.0 100-125
KTZ125-100-250B 52.2 86.5 104 14.5 24 28.9 16 15 13.9 1450 3.7 4.86 5.17 5.5 62 75 76 2.5 2.5 3.0 100-125
KTZ125-100-315 60 100 120 16.7 27.8 33.3 33.5 32 30.5 1450 9.4 11.9 13.5 15 58 73 74 2.5 2.5 3.0 100-125
KTZ125-100-315A 57.4 95.5 114 15.9 26.5 31.7 30.5 28.5 27.8 1450 8.22 10.33 11.7 15 58 73 74 2.5 2.5 3.0 100-125
KTZ125-100-315B 54.6 90.8 108.9 15.1 25.2 30.3 27.7 26.4 25.8 1450 7.23 9.08 10.5 11 57 72 73 2.5 2.5 3.0 100-125
KTZ125-100-400 60 100 120 16.7 27.8 33.3 52 50 48.5 1480 16.1 21 23.6 30 53 65 67 2.5 2.5 3.0 100-125
KTZ125-100-400A 56 93.6 112.4 15.6 26 31.2 46 44 43 1480 13.2 17.5 19.6 22 53 64 67 2.5 2.5 3.0 100-125
KTZ125-100-400B 52.2 88 105 14.5 24.4 29.2 40 38 37.2 1480 11.2 14.6 16.4 18.5 51 62.8 65 2.5 2.5 3.0 100-125
KTZ125-100-210 90 142 170 25 39.4 47.2 15 13 11.5 1480 5.25 6.36 6.91 11 70 79 77 2.2 2.5 3.4 100-125
KTZ125-100-260 95 148 175 26.4 41.1 48.6 24.5 22 20 1480 9.19 11.37 12.54 15 69 78 76 2.3 2.6 3.5 100-125
KTZ125-100-320 80 146 165 22.2 40.6 45.8 37.5 34 29 1480 12.73 16.7 18.38 22 65 75 72 2.0 2.0 2.3 100-125
KTZ125-100-320A 78 142 165 21.7 39.4 45.8 32 28 25 1480 10.8 14.83 16.28 18.5 63 73 69 2.0 2.0 2.3 100-125
KTZ125-100-410 90 150 176 25 41.7 48.9 57 52 48.5 1480 24.09 31.24 34.96 45 58 68 67 2.3 2.5 3.2 100-125
KTZ125-100-410A 87 144 172 24.2 40 47.8 52 48 44 1480 22 28.5 31.7 37 56 66 65 2.3 2.5 3.2 100-125
Model Capacity Head (m) Rotation Speed (r/min) Power (KW) Efficiency (%) Net Positive Suction Head NPSH (r) (m) Outlet taper pipe diameter (mm)
(m3/h) (l/s) Break Power Motor Power
KTZ125-100-410B 83 140 165 23.1 38.9 45.8 45 40 38 1480 18.83 23.8 27.1 30 54 64 63 2.3 2.5 3.2 100-125
KTZ150-125-250 120 200 240 33.3 55.6 66.7 22.5 20 17.5 1480 10.4 13.5 14.7 18.5 71 81 78 3 3.0 3.5 125-150
KTZ150-125-250A 112 187 224 31.1 51.9 62.2 19.5 17.5 15.2 1480 8 7 11.3 12.3 15 68 77.9 75.3 3 3.0 3.5 125-150
KTZ150-125-260 144 240 288 40 66.7 80 23.5 21 18.1 1480 13.17 16.95 18.9 22 70 81 78 2.3 2.6 3.2 125-150
KTZ150-125-260A 134 230 280 37.2 63.9 77.8 21 18.5 16.5 1480 11.43 14.66 16.55 18.5 67 79 76 2.3 26 3.2 125-150
KTZ150-125-315 120 200 240 33.3 55.6 66.7 34 32 29 1480 15.86 22.08 23.71 30 70 79 80 2.5 2.5 3.0 125-160
KTZ150-125-315A 112 187 224.6 31.1 51.9 62.4 30 28 25 1480 13.1 18 1 19.1 22 70 79 80 2.5 2.5 3.0 125-150
KTZ150-125-315B 104 173 208 28.9 48.1 57.8 25.5 24 21.8 1480 10.5 14.5 15.6 18.5 69 78 79 2.5 2.5 3.0 125-150
KTZ150-125-320A 144 240 288 40 66.7 80 34 32 28 1480 19.05 26.47 27.45 30 70 79 80 2.5 2.5 3.0 125-150
KTZ150-125-320A 134 230 270 37.2 63.9 75 29 26 22 1480 15.79 20.61 21.01 22 67 79 77 2.5 2.5 3.0 125-150
KTZ150-125-400 120 200 240 33.3 55.6 66.7 53 50 46 1480 27.9 36.3 40.6 45 62 75 74 2 2.8 3.5 125-150
KTZ150-125-400A 112 187 225 31.1 51.9 62.5 47 44 40 1480 23.2 30 33.1 37 62 75 74 2 2.8 3.5 125-150
KTZ150-125-400B 105 173 210 29.2 48.1 58.3 40 38 35 1480 18.7 24.4 27.4 30 61 74 73 2 2.8 3.5 125-150
KTZ150-125-410 144 245 300 40 68.1 83.3 55 50 44 1480 32.68 43.9 49.9 55 66 76 72 2.2 2.4 3.2 125-150
KTZ150-125-410A 144 245 300 40 68.1 83.3 52 45 38 1480 31.37 40 43.7 45 65 75 71 2.2 2.4 3.2 125-150
KTZ200-150-260 189 315 378 52.5 87.5 105 22.6 20 17.5 1480 16.6 20.5 22.2 30 70 83.5 81 2.7 3 4 150-200
KTZ200-150-260A 200 280 340 55.6 77.8 94.4 18.8 16.2 14 1480 14.8 15.1 16.2 22 69 82 80 2.7 3 4 150-200
KTZ200-150-250 240 400 460 66.7 111.1 127.8 20.6 20 17.2 1480 21.1 26.7 27.3 37 70 83 79 3.6 4.6 4.9 150-200
KTZ200-150-250A 225 374 431 62.5 103.9 119.7 19.4 17.5 15.6 1480 16.7 21.8 23.5 30 71 82 78 3 4.0 4.5 150-200
KTZ200-150-320 189 315 378 52.5 87.5 105 36 32 29.4 1480 25.56 33.46 37.6 45 72.5 82 80.5 2.5 3.2 4.2 150-200
KTZ200-150-320A 200 280 340 55.6 77.8 94.4 33 28 25 1480 25.3 26.36 29.3 37 71 81 79 2.5 3.2 4.2 150-200
KTZ200-150-315 240 400 460 66.7 111.1 127.8 37 32 28.5 1480 34.6 42.5 44.6 55 70 82 80 3.0 3.5 4 150-200
Installation Dimension
Model L L1 L2 L2 L3 B1 B2 h1 h2 h3 h4 a b C n-φd
KTZ100-65-210 565 438 73 73 265 398 446 253 180 225 14.8 100 125 190 4-28
KTZ100-65-250 650 615 105 95 405 440 480 290 200 250 22 125 135 210 4-17.5
KTZ100-65-315 795 610 100 80 410 470 520 315 225 280 10 125 165 255 4-24
KTZ100-65-320 845 860 130 130 600 550 610 315 225 280 30 130 155 255 4-28
KTZ100-65-320A 790 860 130 130 600 550 610 315 225 280 30 130 155 255 4-28
KTZ125-100-200 690 800 130 110 500 550 610 350 200 280 20 125 135 210 4-18
KTZ125-100-200A 650 800 130 110 500 550 610 290 200 280 20 125 135 210 4-28
KTZ125-100-210 778 700 120 85 480 550 590 336 200 280 20 125 170 255 4-28
KTZ125-100-250 815 860 100 130 480 530 580 315 225 280 30 140 170 255 4-28
KTZ125-100-250A 705 600 100 100 480 530 580 315 225 280 15 140 135 210 4-28
KTZ125-100-250B 665 600 100 100 480 530 580 315 225 280 15 140 135 210 4-28
KTZ125-100-260 855 860 160 130 600 550 610 315 225 280 30 150 145 255 4-28
KTZ125-100-315 870 700 150 100 560 500 580 340 250 315 15 140 170 255 4-28
KTZ125-100-315A 870 700 150 100 560 500 580 340 250 315 15 140 170 255 4-28
KTZ125-100-315B 815 700 100 100 480 500 610 340 250 315 15 140 170 255 4-28
KTZ125-100-320 937 960 160 150 640 600 660 370 250 315 30 140 167 280 4-28
KTZ125-100-320A 897 960 160 150 640 600 660 370 250 315 30 140 167 280 4-28
KTZ125-100-400 980 960 160 125 640 600 660 430 280 355 20 140 184 305 4-28
KTZ125-100-400A 954 960 160 110 640 600 646 371 280 355 20 140 185 280 4-28
KTZ125-100-400B 915 960 160 110 640 600 646 371 280 355 20 140 185 285 4-28
KTZ125-100-410 1039 960 160 130 640 600 660 465 315 360 40 150 184 335 4-28
KTZ125-100-410A 1009 960 160 130 640 600 660 465 315 360 40 150 184 335 4-28
KTZ125-100-41OB 989 960 160 130 640 600 660 465 315 360 40 150 184 305 4-28
KTZ150-125-250 915 860 160 130 600 550 610 340 250 355 30 140 175 280 4-28
KTZ150-125-250A 870 700 120 110 480 550 610 340 250 355 30 140 170 255 4-28
KTZ150-125-260 915 860 160 130 600 550 610 340 250 355 30 150 175 280 4-28
KTZ150-125-260A 915 860 160 130 640 550 610 340 250 355 30 150 175 280 4-28
KTZ150-125-315 990 960 160 130 640 600 660 430 280 355 40 140 185 305 4-28
KTZ150-125-315A 955 960 160 150 640 600 660 370 280 355 30 140 185 280 4-28
KTZ150-125-315B 915 960 160 150 640 600 660 370 280 355 30 140 184 280 4-28
KTZ150-125-320 966 960 160 120 640 600 690 390 280 355 15 140 166 305 4-30
KTZ150-125-320A 936 960 160 150 640 600 660 370 280 355 30 140 166 280 4-28
KTZ150-125-400 1025 960 160 130 640 600 660 465 315 400 40 140 185 335 4-28
KTZ150-125-400A 1000 960 160 130 640 600 660 465 315 400 40 140 185 335 4-28
KTZ150-125-400B 990 960 160 130 640 600 660 480 315 400 40 140 185 305 4-28
KTZ150-125-410 1118 1000 178 134.25 645 650 710 465 315 400 40 140 203 370 4-28
KTZ150-125-410A 1010 960 160 130 640 600 660 465 315 400 40 140 165 335 4-28
KTZ200-150-250 1020 960 160 130 640 600 660 430 280 375 40 160 185 335 4-28
KTZ200-150-250A 1005 865 160 115 520 590 640 455 280 375 22 160 183 305 4-28
KTZ200-150-260 1005 960 160 130 640 600 660 430 280 375 40 160 184 305 4-28
KTZ200-150-260A 974 960 160 110 640 600 646 371 280 375 40 160 184 280 4-28
KTZ200-150-315 1150 960 160 125 480 670 730 465 315 400 40 160 215 370 4-28
KTZ200-150-315A 1055 880 160 125 580 670 730 465 315 400 40 160 190 335 4-28
KTZ200-150-315B 1030 880 160 125 580 670 730 465 315 400 40 160 190 335 4-28
KTZ200-150-320 1055 960 160 120 640 650 740 425 315 400 40 160 190 335 4-28
KTZ200-150-320A 995 960 160 132.5 640 650 710 480 315 400 40 160 155 335 4-28
KTZ200-150-400 1253 1110 160 170 790 670 730 465 315 450 22 160 198 410 4-28
KTZ200-150-400A 1203 1110 160 130 790 670 730 465 315 450 40 160 198 410 4-28
KTZ200-150-400B 1130 1110 160 130 790 670 730 465 315 450 40 160 195 370 4-28
KTZ200-150-410 1203 1110 160 170 790 670 730 465 315 450 22 160 198 410 4-28
KTZ200-150-410A 1130 1110 160 130 790 670 730 465 315 450 40 160 195 370 4-28
KTZ250-200-300 1215 960 160 125 480 670 730 465 315 435 40 225 215 370 4-28
KTZ250-200-300A 1090 960 160 120 640 650 740 425 315 435 40 225 160 335 4-28
KTZ250-200-400 1453.5 1210 200 180 810 650 700 500 315 460 27 225 178.5 530 4-28
KTZ250-200-400A 1298 1110 160 170 790 670 730 465 315 460 22 225 178 410 4-28
KTZ250-200-400B 1248.5 1110 160 170 790 670 730 465 315 460 22 225 178.5 410 4-28
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