Perfect Pullup (Basic)


Description of Perfect Pullup (Basic):
1. Makes a lot of improvements from perfect pull up;
2. Rotating handles work on more muscles while reducing joint strain;
3. Builds your upper body strength even if you can,t do a single pull up with the unique metal Swing Arm;
4. Perform Standing Rows and Australian Pullups that help you work your way up to full pull-ups doing;
5. Suitable for any fitness level from beginner to advanced.
6. Includes Nave Seal inspired fitness routines.
7. Fits doorway frame between 27" and 36" wide
Features of Perfect Pullup (Basic):
1. Easily removed from door frame when not in use and the door can be closed while it is installed;
2. Easy installation in all standard doorways;
3. The Pullup bar and handles support up to 300 lbs when installed under our instruction guide;
4. The maximum of the weight supported will be lower if the door frame is in poor condition or of substandard construction or materials.
Pullup bar, 2 swing arms, 2 rotating handles, Perfect Pullup Instructional Chart, and Installation Guide. 

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