PAC-LV (Polyanionic Cellulose)

PAC-LV (Polyanionic Cellulose)
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PAC-LV is a kind of cost-effective polyanionic cellulose with low-viscosity. It is usually applied to cut down the API filtration rate of different types of water-based drilling fluids, while neither the viscosity nor the gel strength suffers significant change. In addition, our product is extremely suitable for solid-laden fluids, and it will deliver satisfying performance at a low dosage rate, thus saving your money.

Typical Property
AppearanceWhite free flowing powder
Purity (% by weight)98.0 Min.
Moisture (%)≤8.0
Specific gravity1.5-1.7
Particle size (%, retained by 25-mesh screen)3 Max.
Bulk density at 20°C (kg/m3 )≥ 550-650
PH of 2% distilled water solution6.5-9.5
Solubility in water at 20°CDispersible
Brookfield LVT viscosity (2% solution in distilled water, 20°C, 60rpm, spindle 2)0.05
Apparent viscosity (cp)30 Max.
Fluid loss (ml)15 Max.

Safety and Handling
For safety considerations, personal protective equipment is highly recommended and actually it is a must. Before work, please refer to the precautions illustrated in the MSDS.

Packaging and Storage
PAC-LV is packed in 25kg (50lb) paper sacks.

The container should be closed, and then placed at a dry, well-ventilated area that is away from heat, sparks, flames and incompatible materials. For palletizing, banding, shrink-wrapping and stacking operations, please follow safe warehousing practices.

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